Living w/Music: Playlist by Kenny Goldsmith (NY Times 2007)

New York Times

  Thursday, November 22, 2007

Living With Music: A Playlist by Kenneth Goldsmith


On Wednesdays, this blog is the delivery vehicle for “Living With Music,” a playlist of songs from a writer or some other kind of book-world personage.
This week: Kenneth Goldsmith, who is the author of nine books of poetry, most recently “Traffic” (Make Now). He is the founding editor of UbuWeb and a DJ on WFMU. Kenneth Goldsmith’s November 2007 Playlist:
Robin Kahn sings “Jesus Christ Superstar” in its entirety: Part 1 | Part 2. The visual artist Robin Kahn put this out as a handmade cassette back in 1991. As a teenager, she was obsessed with “Jesus Christ Superstar” and would sing along with the record for hours in her room after school. As an artwork many years later, she decided to sing the entire thing from memory a capella. The result is astonishing: moving, profound, heartfelt - and nearly unlistenable.